Morality does not need religion.

“Morality is real. It is absolute.

Morality does not need religion.

Morality came first and religion a very distant second.

In fact, religion often masks evil, i.e., evangelicals storming the United States Capitol in “Jesus’s name,” or Orthodox Jews refusing to educate girls because a woman is seen as a baby machine, or Muslims doing honor killings for ‘virginity issues,’ or the horror show Dad and I unleashed on America in the name of (most ironically) saving lives. And when religion does something good, all it does is reflect and reinforce evolution’s absolute moral standards and remind us of them. Morality is less “right versus wrong” than about what works out best for everyone. Morality is evolution’s most essential message: be nice! Morality slowly evolved as part of our trial-and-error evolutionary survival-of-the-friendliest strategy. Humans began to notice what worked and which behaviors were counterproductive. We eventually learned to speak and, in many languages, called those behaviors wrong.”

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Fall in Love, Have Children, Stay Put, Save the Planet, Be Happy
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To be published November 2 by HCI Books • Distributed by Simon & Schuster