What I Learned in the Lockdown…

“Bonds form when you become home, protector, caregiver, nurse, best friend, teacher, co-adventurer, and above all a most constant and loyal figure in your child or grandchild’s life can’t be faked with ‘quality time’ or visits. I’m sorry I didn’t know this many years ago. I spent about six months a year (spread out over the year a week or two at a time) away from my family for about ten years at the height of my evangelical and then Hollywood striving years. More fool me! This is why, somewhat perversely, I regarded the Covid lockdown as a reprieve: seven golden months with the grandchildren every day morning, noon, and evening, with no goddamned schools or work intruding! I was not the only person enjoying an odd reprieve. There was Microsoft inviting its people back to the office—but 73 percent of their workers surveyed said they now wanted flexible working conditions to stay after Covid forced many to work from home. So I know I’m not the only person who learned something new about myself in the lockdown.”

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Fall in Love, Have Children, Stay Put, Save the Planet, Be Happy
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To be published November 2 by HCI Books • Distributed by Simon & Schuster