What if families stuck together?

“What if we changed our definition of success so none of us faced social pressures or economic pressures during our children’s little-child years (say birth to four years old and preschool) to conform to a pro-business, one-size-fits-all, Goldman Sachs’— style model of life focused on our job title? What if families stuck together so grandparents were there to help? What if we didn’t see ourselves defined by “a robust and fulfilling full-time career” first, but rather by the robust and fulfilling quality of our most important relationships and the FUN they spin off as surely as fire generates heat? What if parents also received a baseline of financial Social Security—type support while their children were, ages birth-to-four, so they (like Genie and I these days) could afford to stay home and have the pleasure of caring for their kids.”

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Fall in Love, Have Children, Stay Put, Save the Planet, Be Happy
is Available for Pre-Order Now.

To be published November 2 by HCI Books • Distributed by Simon & Schuster