The Parenting Crisis

“Today, parents face crises alone as a result of:

  1. Providing no government-funded services for childcare while at the same time encouraging (actually, forcing, though social pressure about what is ‘cool’ to do) both parents to work outside the home—even when they have very young preschool children.

  2. Normalizing the idea of having children later so people can have big important careers and do big important educational things first, thus canceling or diminishing the availability of caregiving grandparents.

  3. Making it normal to move ‘up’ by changing where you live to chase new jobs, thus cutting ties that keep us rooted in community with its longstanding natural support systems.

  4. Cutting grandparents out of the daily childminding cycle of life because they are sequestered, either by choice or by necessity, in senior ‘communities’ that exclude anyone under fifty-five.”

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Published November 2 by HCI Books • Distributed by Simon & Schuster