A Caregiver's Manifesto

“To get respect, women with children or caregiving males or nonbinary caregivers must identify themselves as having some other job besides ‘just childcare’ or being ‘just a houseparent’ because childcare is regarded as unskilled labor. Yet for each undervalued woman working as a caregiver doing childmindingfor-hire, several more women—in other words, America’s other mothers—depend on her. So do their mates, husbands, and companies. Thus, the demotion of childcare is crazy. The demotion of parenting experiences is also insane. Of all the most essential of ‘essential’ workers, childcare workers and parents should be at the top of the list be they a stay-at-home dad or a professional at a daycare center. And far from childcare being ‘unskilled’ work, it is a specialized field where experience is as rare and specialized as what goes into making a great thoracic surgeon.”

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Fall in Love, Have Children, Stay Put, Save the Planet, Be Happy
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Published November 2 by HCI Books • Distributed by Simon & Schuster