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In Conversation… with Frank Schaeffer • Episode 404 • Kate Cohen

Frank Schaeffer In Conversation with Washington Post Columnist and Author Kate Cohen, exploring the themes of her life, work, and her new book, We of Little Faith: Why I Stopped Pretending to Believe (and Maybe You Should Too).

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Kate Cohen is a Washington Post contributing columnist and author of We of Little Faith: Why I Stopped Pretending to Believe (And Maybe You Should Too), from Godine. 

She wrote her first book, The Neppi Modona Diaries: Reading Jewish Survival through My Italian Family (UPNE), soon after receiving her bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature at Dartmouth College. The Neppi Modona Diaries tells the sometimes conflicting stories of a family of Jews who suffered under Fascist racial laws in Italy and went into hiding to survive the Nazi invasion. It also explores Kate’s own perspective as a post-Holocaust, non-believing Jew at the end of the twentieth century.  In A Walk Down the Aisle: Notes on a Modern Wedding, she chronicles her wedding to a man with whom she had lived for eight years, examining each facet of the American wedding ritual, as hard to resist as it is functionally outdated.

Then she had three kids and was not one of those people who gets up at five to write before their children wake. She worked as an editor, freelance writer for hire, and occasional essayist. She still does all of that, but has also begun to reclaim her time and mental space. Hence: We of Little Faith. 

You can find Kate’s author page at the Washington Post here. Sign up here to receive an email when a new column comes out.